Let's Share Our Affinity for Elf Culture!
This Christmas Classic is a perfect example of why ClearPlay works so great. It's one of those 'One Part Exception' movies. This movie is great for families except for that one (or two) parts.
Buddy grew up in the North Pole believing he was an elf. Until one day he figured out that he wasn't. Talk about an identity crisis! So Buddy sets out to New York City to find his Dad, even though his Dad is on the 'Naughty List'. Will Buddy finally find a place to fit in or is he doomed to never find where he truly belongs?
Everyone in our family has a different favorite part of this movie and it's SO much fun to get it out every year and replay all of our favorite Christmas jokes. I put off seeing this movie the first couple years it was out because I had my issues with Mr. Farrell. I'm so glad I finally listened to everyone who had seen it! It's such a fun holiday movie and I laugh out loud every single time I watch it. This is one of the most un-annoying Will Farrell movies ever and he pulls off an innocent Elf surprisingly well, so if you've been resisting the pull of Elf all these years let your Will Farrell worries aside and enjoy this show!
Motherly Advice: There are three instances in this movie that really chap my lips! The first is Santa's warning Buddy about Peep Shows not being somewhere you can look at your Christmas presents early and the two scenes dealing with tiny lingerie outfits with signs saying 'For that Special Someone'. I know, I know it's pretty mild but those are things that keep me from wanting my kids to watch it. SO if you put your filters on High for Nudity it will completely filter those two little scenes. BUT you'll still get the scene where Buddy and Jovie sing "Baby It's Cold Outside" while Jovie is in the shower. I personally don't mind this scene at all 'cause it only shows Zooey Deschanel from the armpits up and it's not sexual in any way. However, they do talk later about her being naked in the shower and Buddy very innocently says he didn't know she was naked and then its over. Your call. If you set your Vulgarity filters on Least you'll get my favorite scene of Buddy belching for like 30 seconds but you'll be spared some sparse curses here and there. There is still a little talk about Buddy being conceived out of wedlock but I'm not sure how much the kids understand this and there is a little drinking in the mail room when Buddy and his friend get drunk. Buddy and Jovie do end up kissing but it's a very tasteful kiss that last about 3 seconds. Generally speaking I'd say Elf is suitable for ages 7 and up with filters.
Danielle'- Your North Pole Guide to Good Movies.
P.S. Check out the Family Movie Night Activity for Elf here