*Holiday Favorite*

I'm Watching a Movie and I'm SING-ING!!!
Movie Snacks:
* Buddy gets pretty excited when he finds free gum stuck to the subway rails throughout New York City. Let everyone enjoy some fresh gum while you see what else Buddy gets excited about.
* Buddy says the 4 elf food groups are candy, candy canes, candy corn and cotton candy. Try serving up a little of each kind of treat throughout the movie.
* Buddy likes his spaghetti with some very unique toppings like maple syrup, marshmallows, chocolate candies, chocolate sauce and pop tarts. You could serve spaghetti with all your favorite toppings for dinner, but I wouldn't suggest you use the same ones as Buddy!
Must Pause Moments:
* According to Papa Elf, there are only 3 jobs an elf can have: making shoes in the night, baking cookies in a tree or a toy maker in Santa's workshop. Let each family member decide which job they would choose if they were an elf.
* When Buddy is decorating Gimels for Santa's arrival, stop to make snowflakes with your family. Be sure to make them in lots of different shapes and sizes. You can even find free patterns for fancy ones right online!
* Buddy and Michael get ambushed by bullies throwing snowballs. Buddy sure takes care of them! Practice your snowball throwing skills by tossing Styrofoam balls (or any other pretend snowball) into a laundry basket, garbage can or box. You'll be ready for the next snowball fight in not time!
Other Activities:
* Buddy and his dad wear matching green and yellow elf clothes. You and your family can wear matching colored clothes too!
* Buddy does an amazing job decorating the store for Santa's arrival as well as his Dad's house. Be sure to get your house ready for movie night by putting up all your Christmas decorations.
* Make a holiday cheer meter and see if you can all sing loud enough to fill it up. Re-use it like a chore chart with your holiday "To Do" list. As you decorate, attend parties, wrap gifts and participate in traditions you can fill up some of the meter...it's sure to be full by Christmas Eve!