Imperfect, But Aren’t We All?
Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) is a frustrated thirty something girl who isn’t satisfied with her life. She daydreams about her boss and finding a boyfriend and confides not in her friends but pours all of her feelings into her trusted diary (or so she thinks). In the pursuit to find happiness and someone to love all of her little imperfections Jones must be open to unexpected options.
Ah, how to describe Bridget Jones - is she graceful, an intellectual speaker or witty? Nope. But she is charming and this is a clever homage to one of the best stories ever: Pride and Prejudice, which this will never live up to so don’t expect that if you are a fan. Bridget makes a bumbling fool of herself pretty much everywhere she goes. Her resilience is something to look up to though, I would have dug myself a hole and crawled in long ago if I had experiences like hers! I seem to be a fan of all things British, including Colin Firth, who plays Mark Darcy (note the tip-of-the-cap to Pride & Prejudice?)!! He is splendid in this and sold me on it along with Hugh Grant even though he plays a sleazy charmer type, the acting was well done.
Motherly Advice: There really is no other option in my book but to have filters turned all the way up on this one! Okay, this may be lengthy but necessary. They smoke like chimneys meaning smoking is in just about every scene. Bridget, who from my opinion is not overweight talks about herself needing to lose 20lbs, sending the message she doesn’t look good the way she is. The lifestyle of this young single lady is not one to be promoting, she has casual sex which is implied when she is shown in bed with a male partner, she wears short skirts and inappropriate clothing (showing a good amount of cleavage at times) and drinks to drown her sorrows. Infidelity, flirtatious talks, a brawl between two grown men in the streets and Bridget in her underwear round out the list of naughty moments. Have I sold you on it yet? In all honesty I did enjoy this movie and as an adult I found the humor in her ups and downs of life that we can all relate to, to some degree. With that being said this is an adults only movie.
Hannah – Clearplay Mum who is very graceful, a fantastic public speaker and mostly witty! (may be slightly exaggerated)