Lucy gets stuck working all the holidays because she doesn’t have any family to celebrate with. That all quickly and randomly changes when she saves a man’s life, a man she’s had a crush on for months, a man who doesn’t know who she is. Enjoy this sweet and funny adventure that takes Lucy from being alone, to being surrounded with a loud, loving, crazy family all in just a few fast weeks. What better choice for a Date Night Movie, than this classic Sandra Bullock film. Check out the movie review here.
For Fun:
*Lucy has some trouble getting her Christmas tree up to her apartment, but once it’s there she decorates it beautifully for Christmas. Pull out the ornaments and tinsel and decorate your Christmas tree along with her.
*Lucy is touched when the Callaghan family gives her a gift on Christmas. Hold a gift exchange among your movie night guests or even pick a child or family in need to shop for. Wrap up the gifts at your movie night.
*Joe Jr. likes to try on Lucy’s shoes. Try on each others shoes, or just switch shoes for the evening. There’s nothing like “walking in someone else’s shoes” to get to know them better!
For Dinner:
*Lucy frequently visits a nearby hotdog cart. When she asks for “The Usual” the vendor doesn’t get that she wants a hot dog with mustard & a Coke. Serve up Lucy’s usual for dinner, or the vendors usual (a hotdog with relish) complete with your favorite drink. You could even serve them in portable hot dog trays.
*For movie snacks, this movie has some fun ideas. You can serve Oreo cookies & milk (get extra creativity points if you serve the milk in a cat dish), Baskin Robbins ice cream (Chocolate peanut butter or fudge mint) or hospital Jell-o.
*Serve up a beautiful Holiday meal just like the Callaghan’s prepare. Be sure to have creamy mashed potatoes!
Going The Extra Mile:
*Lucy and Jack go to the hospital to give blood since it’s customary for family to help out. If your health permits, go help the Red Cross or a local hospital by donating blood yourself. Remember to take it easy afterwards and enjoy the juice and cookies so no one passes out like Jack!
*Joe Jr. invites Lucy to go to the Ice-Capades but Lucy stands him up. When Jack is walking home with Lucy, they both slip and slide all over the ice and fall down numerous times. Take your date ice skating, just be careful not to fall and rip your pants! If you want to leave the ice skating to the professionals then take your date out to the Ice-Capades, Disney on Ice or even an Ice Hockey game.
*LyndiLou* ~ Movie Mom Who Needs A Stamp In Her Passport