There’s a rift at the North Pole, where the precise execution of Christmas gift delivery has evolved into an ultrasonic display of technology. The current Santa, more or less a figurehead, is aging, and his responsible son, the chief of operations, looks like the obvious successor. But an undelivered gift garners the attention of Santa’s other son, a perennial bumbler named Arthur. Arthur’s heart is in the right place, but will his desire to save Christmas for one person put the entire operation in jeopardy?
ClearPlay In Action!
Arthur Christmas received its PG rating for “some mild rude humor.” This includes some references to flatulence and bird droppings, and an overly amorous dog and a wooly slipper. ClearPlay trims these and a mild profanity. The animated feature is fine for the whole family.
Should I hope to find Arthur in my stocking?…
You can watch out, not cry nor pout, but you’ll be hardpressed to come up with a more satisfying Christmas movie than Arthur Christmas. Arthur not only adds to the Christmas mythos, but aims squarely at the heart of the seasonal message: the needs of the one should never be lost amid the commercialization of the holiday. Great British vocal talent (including James MacAvoy, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Laurie, and Bill Nighy) and a clever script make Arthur a perfect way to deck the halls.
Marty Nabhan— ClearPlay Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
Rated PG for some mild rude humor; 97 min; Directed By Sarah Smith and Barry Cook