Four Words You Never Want To
Imagine being young, single, attractive, and
successful. Now throw an over-bearing, un-approving mother into
the mix. Sounds dreadful! This is the life that Milly Wilder
(Mandy Moore) lives. Her meddling mother, Daphne Wilder (Diane
Keaton) wants Milly to be happy AND in love, so she puts her daughter’s profile
on an Internet dating site. A skid halt over the line? I
think so and so does Milly, leading to a detrimental falling out between mother
and daughter. Milly and Daphne must both decide to trust the other
and their good intentions, or their biggest fight ever could lead to total
Do you remember the last time you heard the phrase, “Because
I said so.”? Chances are it was a LONG time ago and came out of the mouth of
your mother. Although it’s a phrase that I wouldn’t choose to ever
hear, I think this film is cute, whimsical, and light-hearted.
Diane Keaton, the quasi-antagonist of the story, will get under your skin
to the point where you’ll want to scream at the TV in raging annoyance, “JUST
STAY OUT OF MILLY’S BUSINESS!!” While Milly on the other hand, will capture your
heart with her sweet demure and steady persistence in finding the balance
between her love life, and her family life. Though the two are
meant to drive each other crazy, I loved the closeness between mother and
daughters (Milly has two other grown, married sisters). A
chic-flic that bids the question, how far is one willing to go for another loved
one’s happiness.
Motherly Advice: I watched Because I Said So with my filters on
medium. Right off the bat you should be aware of a couple of
things. First is that both Milly and Daphne have very healthy
sexual appetites. Neither give a hoot about abstinence (not that a
lot of movie characters do, but just so ya know) and Milly’s character is two
timing with two guys. Ok now on to the nitty gritty.
Literally within the first five minutes you’ll hear some vulgar
conversation regarding the male anatomy. You’ll see Milly in more
than one compromising situation (sexually) not the act but the before and
after-math. And like mother like daughter, the ending scene shows Daphne fully
dressed, but clearly leading to an inappropriate sex scene.
Lastly, between Milly and her two sisters, there were about 5 scenes that
showed them in their bras and underoos, yikes! This film may be
rated for 13 and up but with the all of the sensual conversations, and adult
content I wouldn’t recommend Because I Said So for anyone under 17.
Trisha~ Answer to my 3 year old’s plea to “see” the computer:
“No, Because I Said So!”