The Story of How It All Began!
Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) not just your average trust fund
baby. A man who’s childhood was robbed when his parents were
murdered, and who now seeks revenge on the evil bottom-dwellers of Gotham
Since it’s “T minus 9” days until the 3rd installment of the
Dark Knight series is released in theatres, I thought I’d review where it all
began, in Batman Begins. The best thing about Batman Begins is it
tells the batman story in a way that answers so many questions that I had
throughout the original Batman trilogy. Like, for instance, where
he got all buff and trained up on how to whoop on the “bad” guys.
Or where he got all of those crazy insane gadgets and gizmos.
And how the “Bat-mobile” came to be. I love all of the
Batman stories, but this one just seemed to be so well put together.
Now let’s talk casting. Christian Bale, in my opinion,
plays a phenomenal batman, I know he got a lot of flack for his um, lack of
phonetic value (I might have made that up, but you get me right?) but I think he has
the talent to play a really dark character that has some deep-rooted anger. But
take the mask off and that same dark person turns into a vulnerable, regular ol’
multimillionaire guy. Katie Holmes, I was neither impressed nor disgusted with
her performance, take her or leave her, doesn’t matter to me. But
the psychologist villain Dr. Crane played by Cillian Murphy, he’ll give you
shivers with how evil he is! So before you rush out to see The Dark Knight Rises, dust off this 2005 film and remind yourself of how it all began.
Motherly Advice: I watched this film with my filters set on medium.
First let me say that if you are going to watch with kids under 13, be
sure to set your filters on most or they will surely be visiting your room at
2am complaining of nightmares! Batman Begins is the first
of three movies that are just dark, dark movies. Meaning, batman
himself is dealing with some dark demons inside of him and seeks revenge by
really beating down the slum of Gotham City. So let the list
begin: fighting, shooting, stabbing, falling off tall buildings, toxic drugs
used to mentally derange it’s victims, and of course, BATS.
Notice, I haven’t mentioned a thing about sex or immodest clothing?
That’s because it doesn’t exist in this film, it’s PG-13 rating is strictly due
to violence. I’d say the scariest part is when Dr. Crane drugs his
victims and wears a gunny sack that has maggots coming out of it’s eye sockets, and
has this really scary voice. Scary stuff even for me.
Sorry for the kids, but I’d say this action thriller is for mature young
adults 15 and up.
Trisha~ Love Michael Keaton as Batman, but Christian Bale
may have him beat!