Three Cheers for Dads!
These last two Giveaways we've done have had the most wonderful entries I've read! It has taken hours to read through them and then wrestle through the favorites to pick only one. Your Dad's are amazing and it's truly wonderful to find out that MY Dad isn't the only amazing one out there (although he is my personal favorite, but I'm biased of course).
Dear Father,
I've never know anyone else who has sacrificed as much as you have for the sake of family. The countless hours into the night fixing our cars. So many more spent fixing others, for free. The incredible number of times you took evenings away from your own projects, and gave them up to help your children with theirs. The tremendous amount of love and care that you put into every act of service, even when that service drove you right into your sickbed, multiple times. This unrelenting example you set, which spoke plainly, "Work until it's done", will echo through the lives of you children, and you children's children. For so great is the honor in the footprints you made in our lives, that we can't help but try to emulate it ourselves. You are, in the truest definition, a Man. And one so deserving of this gift, humble as it is in comparison to your love for us.
I've never know anyone else who has sacrificed as much as you have for the sake of family. The countless hours into the night fixing our cars. So many more spent fixing others, for free. The incredible number of times you took evenings away from your own projects, and gave them up to help your children with theirs. The tremendous amount of love and care that you put into every act of service, even when that service drove you right into your sickbed, multiple times. This unrelenting example you set, which spoke plainly, "Work until it's done", will echo through the lives of you children, and you children's children. For so great is the honor in the footprints you made in our lives, that we can't help but try to emulate it ourselves. You are, in the truest definition, a Man. And one so deserving of this gift, humble as it is in comparison to your love for us.
This year has been one of the hardest in our life, but you have been our rock. I am so thankful to have such a great husband. The kids are so blessed to have you as their dad. Through out my whole sickness the past 5 years, you have been there to be both Mom and Dad when needed, homeschooling the kids, ironing, cooking, cleaning, but most importantly, loving all of us. You are the hardest working man I know.
Everyone always ask me what I would do if I didn't have such a wonderful husband and father for my kids like you and I always say, "I would have had 2 kids and not 6!" As our kids move into their teen years and everyone says what amazing examples our kids are of Godly young people, I tell them that it's because they have had the best example of a Godly man to follow. Thank you for always moving forward to be the man of God for your Lord and your family.
Love Always,
Rachel Ann, Jon, Joel, Jeremy, Jason, Charity, & Lizzy
This year has been one of the hardest in our life, but you have been our rock. I am so thankful to have such a great husband. The kids are so blessed to have you as their dad. Through out my whole sickness the past 5 years, you have been there to be both Mom and Dad when needed, homeschooling the kids, ironing, cooking, cleaning, but most importantly, loving all of us. You are the hardest working man I know.
Everyone always ask me what I would do if I didn't have such a wonderful husband and father for my kids like you and I always say, "I would have had 2 kids and not 6!" As our kids move into their teen years and everyone says what amazing examples our kids are of Godly young people, I tell them that it's because they have had the best example of a Godly man to follow. Thank you for always moving forward to be the man of God for your Lord and your family.
Love Always,
Rachel Ann, Jon, Joel, Jeremy, Jason, Charity, & Lizzy
Happy Father's Day. I want you to know how appreciative I am that you raised me as your own since I was nine, even after my mom and you divorced. Your decision to be my father is commendable. So many fathers have not taken on the role that God had given them. You are a man in every sense of the word. What you did was a courageous, noble act and I am forever grateful. Only God knew our future and after many years of living in the deception of the world......now you are not only my dad, but you are also my brother in Christ. How amazing are His ways. I am blessed that we are on this path together. Thank you for being that father to me. I love you.
This is from my 20 year old son to his dad, my husband!
My dad is the man that I look up to the most. He’s a great loving father I mention proudly with boast. Neither anchor nor sea can drag him under to fail. Because a real man once in Coast Guard knows the proper way to sail. I Love you dad very much! Although I'm going out on my own soon, I will never forget the many things you have taught me. :')
- Love Shane.
My dad is the man that I look up to the most. He’s a great loving father I mention proudly with boast. Neither anchor nor sea can drag him under to fail. Because a real man once in Coast Guard knows the proper way to sail. I Love you dad very much! Although I'm going out on my own soon, I will never forget the many things you have taught me. :')
- Love Shane.
Dad, I'm so grateful for the wonderful opportunities that we had to work together when I was younger. some of my fondest memories are about us riding in the car driving across the state after a long day of hard work And just talking. I also remember those late nights where long after work when you were still up late into the night because you had trouble sleeping you would sit and watch movies late into the night. This father's day, you do not have to watch tv late into the night anymore on a small screen. A can watch it on the big screen just like being at the movies together.
Happy fathers day! Dad, I'm so grateful for the wonderful opportunities that we had to work together when I was younger. some of my fondest memories are about us riding in the car driving across the state after a long day of hard work And just talking. I also remember those late nights where long after work when you were still up late into the night because you had trouble sleeping you would sit and watch movies late into the night. This father's day, you do not have to watch tv late into the night anymore on a small screen. A can watch it on the big screen just like being at the movies together.
Happy fathers day!
Happy fathers day! Dad, I'm so grateful for the wonderful opportunities that we had to work together when I was younger. some of my fondest memories are about us riding in the car driving across the state after a long day of hard work And just talking. I also remember those late nights where long after work when you were still up late into the night because you had trouble sleeping you would sit and watch movies late into the night. This father's day, you do not have to watch tv late into the night anymore on a small screen. A can watch it on the big screen just like being at the movies together.
Happy fathers day!
Our fathers Day card would say:
To my sweet husband, You are such a wonderful father. I couldn't have asked for a more attentive and caring person to raise our children with. Thank you for always being there for them, from helping them with homework to singing them to sleep at night. Our boys have a great example to follow, and our daughter knows how she deserves to be treated. Thank you for making our home so happy.
Hannah (10): Happy Fathers day, daddy! Hope you like watching tv and roasting marshmallows at the same time!
Samuel (8): Here's your super super super wicked present! Can we go use it now?
Elijah (6): Well, ah...it's a movie theater you watch outside...
Benjamin (3): Happy movie theater! Thomas! (he likes trains).
Oliver (1): A-da!
To my sweet husband, You are such a wonderful father. I couldn't have asked for a more attentive and caring person to raise our children with. Thank you for always being there for them, from helping them with homework to singing them to sleep at night. Our boys have a great example to follow, and our daughter knows how she deserves to be treated. Thank you for making our home so happy.
Hannah (10): Happy Fathers day, daddy! Hope you like watching tv and roasting marshmallows at the same time!
Samuel (8): Here's your super super super wicked present! Can we go use it now?
Elijah (6): Well, ah...it's a movie theater you watch outside...
Benjamin (3): Happy movie theater! Thomas! (he likes trains).
Oliver (1): A-da!
If these walls could talk, they would speak of a man who has worked with great heart to accomplish his plan. They'd speak of the times that he's prayed in the night for the strength to go on and to do what is right. They'd speak of sweet moments of laughter and fun, the times with his children & grandchildren, His love for each one. Oh! if they could talk, It would just be the start of a story of love, A great man, and his heart. I love You Dad!
what can I say? I am so incredibly blessed to have been raised and taught by a man as amazing as yourself. I am sure I can stand for all seven of us kids when I say that we could not ask for a better dad. I know we have all been through rough spots as a family but you have always been the one to remind us to stay strong and to persevere through every trial thrown our way. every morning when you walk out in your uniform, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have you. you are a supportive father and a strong soldier and I know that even though you put your life at risk for our country, that we as a family have been blessed. I know I'm leaving the house this fall and im" all grown up and saving china", but I just wanted you to know that I will always be your little girl. well one of your four little girls. I love you so much dad. thank you for treating mom the way you do, because I know what I want in a husband now. I know we are all growing up so fast and moving on with our lives, but know that we are where we are because of the way you and mom raised us. I love you more than I will ever be able to express.thank you for your service to our country and our family: that is something that nobody in this life time will ever be able to be thankful enough for. I love you daddy.
love, amanda♥
what can I say? I am so incredibly blessed to have been raised and taught by a man as amazing as yourself. I am sure I can stand for all seven of us kids when I say that we could not ask for a better dad. I know we have all been through rough spots as a family but you have always been the one to remind us to stay strong and to persevere through every trial thrown our way. every morning when you walk out in your uniform, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have you. you are a supportive father and a strong soldier and I know that even though you put your life at risk for our country, that we as a family have been blessed. I know I'm leaving the house this fall and im" all grown up and saving china", but I just wanted you to know that I will always be your little girl. well one of your four little girls. I love you so much dad. thank you for treating mom the way you do, because I know what I want in a husband now. I know we are all growing up so fast and moving on with our lives, but know that we are where we are because of the way you and mom raised us. I love you more than I will ever be able to express.thank you for your service to our country and our family: that is something that nobody in this life time will ever be able to be thankful enough for. I love you daddy.
love, amanda♥
You were there to show me how to grow from little boy into a man.
But there was much you tried to teach me, I didn't understand.
Memories of war and life's hard knocks, you strove to communicate.
But the gaps between us filled with noise and made it difficult to relate.
And now I stand before your grave, with bittersweet regret.
That we hadn't enjoyed more films together and taken the time to get.
Closer with more popcorn, drinks, candy corn and red vines.
At the precious few movies you took me to where we patiently stood in line.
Thank you for D-Day, My Fair Lady and Robinson Crusoe on Mars;.
For loving me and being there, and for serving in the wars.
And now as Dad and GrandDad, I find I understand.
What you were trying to teach the little boy intent on being a man.
You were there to show me how to grow from little boy into a man.
But there was much you tried to teach me, I didn't understand.
Memories of war and life's hard knocks, you strove to communicate.
But the gaps between us filled with noise and made it difficult to relate.
And now I stand before your grave, with bittersweet regret.
That we hadn't enjoyed more films together and taken the time to get.
Closer with more popcorn, drinks, candy corn and red vines.
At the precious few movies you took me to where we patiently stood in line.
Thank you for D-Day, My Fair Lady and Robinson Crusoe on Mars;.
For loving me and being there, and for serving in the wars.
And now as Dad and GrandDad, I find I understand.
What you were trying to teach the little boy intent on being a man.
Our dad has made many sacrifices over the years.When we were small he worked long hard hours to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. He did that so our mom could stay home with us instead of putting us into daycare. As we have been busy with sports and school he continued to work sometimes 2 jobs so that we could be comfortable and also put himself through truck driving school to earn a CDL to better provide for us all. He then realized a life long dream of becoming a police officer. He worked hard and was a great officer, until one day he felt a calling on his life to be a father to the fatherless. He answered that call and now we are living at a boys ranch where we have 3 new brothers. It was not an easy decision to leave our home and the neighborhood and job that he loved but he felt God opening a door and he was obedient. Although my brother and I are now both taller than dad, we will always look up to him and honor him. We only hope that one day we will be able to answer the calling on our lives and follow his example of obedience.
We love you Daddy!
Will and Jordan Leverette.
We love you Daddy!
Will and Jordan Leverette.
To Dad, from your 52 year old Daughter:
My father is very quiet, and soft-spoken, but his actions "speak louder than words". He has always been an amazing example to us by establishing strong moral values into our lives, which are becoming more rare in our world today. Our family admires him for his integrity, love, and kindness to all around him. He isn't perfect. He has his flaws, as we all do, I'm not being unrealistic.
He rarely tells me he loves me, he isn't one to give frequent hugs, or to give compliments freely, but that doesn't matter. I have always known in my heart his love, his respect, and his pride in me, in all I have accomplished in life. I want to always make him proud of me, as I carry on our family name. That is important to me. I know he knows my heart, my potential, and who I really am. It isn't spoken ver...See More
My father is very quiet, and soft-spoken, but his actions "speak louder than words". He has always been an amazing example to us by establishing strong moral values into our lives, which are becoming more rare in our world today. Our family admires him for his integrity, love, and kindness to all around him. He isn't perfect. He has his flaws, as we all do, I'm not being unrealistic.
He rarely tells me he loves me, he isn't one to give frequent hugs, or to give compliments freely, but that doesn't matter. I have always known in my heart his love, his respect, and his pride in me, in all I have accomplished in life. I want to always make him proud of me, as I carry on our family name. That is important to me. I know he knows my heart, my potential, and who I really am. It isn't spoken ver...See More
I am the wife and step-mother to 1 amazing man and 2 little boys. My children are God fearing children that know the difference between right and wrong. I give glory to God for this but I also give a ton of credit to my husband who took care of his children by himself through many trials. I give credit to this man who perservered under many trials. My husband has taught my children the meaning of forgiveness, how to love and how to serve others regardless of any return. My husband has devoted his life to telling the story of the gospel through media and I see him as the perfect fit for this amazing prize.
My sons and I would give him a card that says something like this.
Dad, for all you've done, thank you.
You are our example of what a great Father should be.
We know that we will always be able to turn to you for laugh or a bit of wisdom.
You are so much fun and we are grateful to have a Dad like you!
We won you a Father's Day gift for you because even other people realize YOU are the best Dad in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! You deserve it for all that you are!
We love you!
Mimi, Davin and Auden.
My sons and I would give him a card that says something like this.
Dad, for all you've done, thank you.
You are our example of what a great Father should be.
We know that we will always be able to turn to you for laugh or a bit of wisdom.
You are so much fun and we are grateful to have a Dad like you!
We won you a Father's Day gift for you because even other people realize YOU are the best Dad in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! You deserve it for all that you are!
We love you!
Mimi, Davin and Auden.
Our two winners are Ken Harvey and Kelley Thompson Molinari!
Thank you everyone for your heart felt entries and don't forget to share them with your Dads!