A Movie About Second Chances
It’s the time of the Great Depression, 25% of the American
population is unemployed and the rest are hanging on by a thread to keep a
paying job. In other words, it’s a time where hope is a scant and
frivolous thing. The country needed a hero, maybe even two heroes
to restore the American pride. Enter, Seabiscuit (the horse) and
his jockey Red Pollard (Toby Maguire), both down on their luck but both fierce
fighters. An unlikely team that may have begun as somewhat of a joke, but ends up winning it all! This true story of courage, hope, and
resilience will have you laughing, crying, and wishing it would never end!
I’ve seen Seabiscuit once before and it was a long
time ago so viewing it now, years later, was like watching it for the first
time! I can’t believe how young Tobey Maquire is, and yet still delivers a
stellar performance. Jeff Bridges is also amazing as a highly
ambitious car maker that gets into the horse business after his son gets into a
tragic accident. But my favorite thing about this movie is the
message it sends of hope in times of trouble. Maybe so many of us
can relate because of our country’s current economic status, seeing a horse that
is tiny but thinks he’s huge, and a jockey that is huge but thinks he’s tiny.
Fighting against all odds to win it all, it’s awe-inspiring.
Seabiscuit is a perfect movie for family night *see notes below*
and is based on second chances, so just as I did, you should also give
Seabiscuit a second chance.
Motherly Advice: I watched Seabiscuit with all of my filters set at
medium and while this movie boasts of being a family film, I think this is only
the case if your filters are set at most. Because at medium I heard at least
three “sh”words and one “d” word, also Red takes on some fights in order to pay
rent and they are pretty rough and show quite a bit of blood and bruises.
Next, one of the main character’s son dies, and is really very sad and
tragic. Lastly and maybe the most disturbing, and I literally
grabbed my remote to see if my filters were still enabled which they were, and
here’s what I saw (again with medium filters) Red has a lady friend that he pays
for “relations” (aka: prostitute) and it shows her from the backside taking off
her negligee, and then (yes it gets worse) it shows her full front view on the
reflection of the shiny head board that Red is laying on. I know, shocking
right?!?! Therefore I recommend this movie for ages 13+ as long as the filters
are set on most, most, most!!
Trisha~I couldn’t help that I kept waiting for the spider
webs to fling from Red’s palms!