The Family that “RV’s” Together, Stays
Meet the Munro family. Bob (Robin Williams) and
Jamie (Cheryl Hines) are wonderful parents to children, Cassie(Joanna Levesque)
and Carl (Josh Hutcherson). Thinking he’s
brilliant, Bob decides to make a road trip out of a business trip and rents an RV for the
family to travel across the U.S. He’ll undermine his brilliance as
the next few days can only be explained in one word: chaos. But
one catastrophe after the other brings the drifted Munro family closer as they
have one goal in mind: get home in one piece.
Remember the first time you went on a family vacation? The
first hour is smooth, the second you start getting annoyed with your sibling in
the next seat, and by the third hour you are wondering why it’s taking 20,000
hours to get to said destination? That’s kind of the feeling I got while
watching RV. Robin
Williams is a brilliant comedian and shouldn’t have to resort to bathroom humor
to make a good movie, but alas, he did. The best part of the movie
was when the Munro’s bump into another RVing family, the Gornickes (Jeff Daniels
and Kristin Chenowith) who play a folksy cheesy family that regularly RV across
the country. That story could have/should have been the focus of the movie, and not when and how to unplug your RV toilet.
Motherly Advice: I watched RV with my filters set on medium and was spared a
whole bunch of religious expletives, and several other “swears”.
In the first five minutes I was surprised to see Jamie (Cheryl Hines)
putting her kids to bed in a nightgown that wasn’t so child friendly, shoulders,
plunging neckline, the works. Gross! The daughter also wears a
couple of outfits that include short shorts and tight t-shirts that I’m pretty
sure would fit my 2-month-old daughter! But that’s not the part that got me, it was all the bathroom humor. You’ll see
what looks like poop a LOT, even one scene where Williams is trying to unclog it
and has a hose held over his head and you’ll see some of the “poop” landing on
his face. Disgusting!! This scene goes on for at least 20 minutes, so if you want to rent this one for your pre-teen boys go for it,
otherwise stick with classic Robin Williams films like Mrs. Doubtfire or Patch
Trisha~ Family Vacation Enthusiast!!