For the Child In All Of Us!
Wendy Darling and her two brothers John and Michael live in proper London and while growing up is inevitable, they discover a way to procrastinate it. One night, a boy named Peter Pan visits the Darling nursery to entice the three children to come and live with him in Never Never Land where they’ll never have to grow up. An offer too good to turn down, Wendy and her brothers fly off to this magical land, only to arrive in the midst of an age old battle between Peter Pan and Hook. A place with the makings of magic and wonder becomes a place of formidable danger, and the kids want only to return home but soon discover that it might just be too late.
Right about now you might be thinking that if you’ve seen one version of Peter Pan, then you’ve seen them all. And as true as this might be, you’ll definitely want to add this 2003 version of Peter Pan to that list. I was completely flabbergasted (in a good way) at how brilliant the young Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood were! And of course Jason Isaacs, who plays both Hook and Mr. Darling, he gave not one stunning performance, but two! One difference that has stirred quite a controversy in the film world, is that this version of Peter Pan, takes the relationship between Pan and Wendy, to a higher level. I thought it was cute and tasteful, but I know the jury is still out with other critic’s opinions. Acting, A+, scenery A++, and the story, well, as they say in Never Never Land, “I Believe, I Do, I Do!!”
Motherly Advice: This installment of Peter Pan is only rated PG, so I had my filters set on least and was glad because there were actually a few violent scenes, mostly fighting, that I would really rather not see. Furthermore, I was surprised they added them knowing that the target audience would be a young one. For instance, there were fight scenes between Hook and Peter Pan that I actually found difficult to watch because of how brutal they were, maybe because it was a grown man brutally attacking a child?! One scene even depicts Hook cutting Pan with his sword, which I just don’t remember happening in any other versions of Peter Pan. The end scene between the pirates and the lost boys is the most brutal but with your filters you won’t see any sword stabbing (which there is plenty of in this version). There is a short kiss between Wendy and Peter Pan, but again, I thought it was tasteful, if not for the fact that they are so young to be carrying on! Do I sound like a true mother or what? So for your younger audience the main thing to be prepared for are the sword/gun fighting scenes because there are plenty of them, which is why I would recommend this Peter Pan for ages 10 and up.
Trisha~ Since I still love movies/books the likes of Twilight and Hunger Games, do I qualify as someone who doesn’t want to grow up? If so, bring it!