I just wanted to post a quick little announcement in order to declare to the ClearPlay blog reading community I'M SEEING HARRY POTTER TONIGHT!!!!!
The new one that is. And technically speaking I suppose it's tomorrow morning at 12:13AM. And also, I didn't really want to announce it I wanted to brag about it. Are there any other readers going tonight too?
The party at the theater I'm going to is being sponsored by Movie Mom Launi and her blog, Gracious Rain. Movie Mom Lyndi will also be there so with all of these Moms at the scene of the premiere it means we'll have reviews ready for you by the weekend to let you know how it went!
Whoo! Long live Ronald Weasley...I mean, Harry Potter.
Ok it's true, I prefer Ron to Harry and I really, really hope that Ron and Hermione can work things out.
The End
Danielle'- Muggleborn with Witch Aspirations