Say 'Cheese'!
Ever wondered how Magneto and Charles Xavier seem to have such an intimate knowledge of one another and yet be such mortal enemies? You'll find out in X-Men: First Class just what went so sourly wrong with these two past BFF's. Sounds like a soap opera beginning I know, but throw in some super powers and a sweet set of uniforms and you've got a new X-Men trilogy on your hands.
Motherly Advice: This X-Men movie has lots and lots of women in their underwear. One scene has twenty or so of these scantily clad women mingling with rich men at a party, another is in a strip club and yet another is in a brief bedroom scene. I didn't expect all that near-nudity in an X-Men movie. Plus some close shots of a younger Mystique, which, although she is blue and sort of scaly, leaves little to the imagination. Implied premarital sex , a handful of swear words and one 'F' word (produced by none other than Wolverine himself for the 5 seconds he was there) will swiftly be cleaned up by ClearPlay. I'd wait for this one to come out on DVD if I were you so you can filter out the language and Victoria's Secret promotions.
Danielle'- You Can Call Me Cinemique