“Candy doesn’t have to have a point. That’s why it’s candy!”
Join Charlie and his Grandpa Joe as they take a wondrous tour of Willy Wonka’s amazing chocolate factory. You’ll see candy like never before and learn a few lessons from those that don’t follow the rules. From the book to the big screen, this chocolatey, treat-filled tale is perfect for National Candy Month (June) and your next Family Movie Night!
Movie Snacks
*Charlie’s family usually has cabbage soup for dinner. You could serve up a simple broth soup for your dinner too. If you want something a little more substantial, serve the gum meal Violet tried with Wonka’s newest candy. Serve tomato soup, roast beef, baked potatoes and blueberry pie and ice cream. Be sure to have SOMEthing healthy, because you’ll be enjoying lots of treats later!
*The obvious choice for treats with this movie would be chocolate. You can serve a whole chocolate meal (meat with chocolate sauce, salad with chocolate dressing, white chocolate mashed potatoes and more), have chocolate milk to drink or just have an extra special chocolate dessert. There are a lot of crazy recipes online if you want to get extra creative!
*If you don’t want to have a chocolate overload, you could always have a Candy Buffet for snacks. Be sure to include candy of all different colors, so your spread is as bright and colorful as Wonka’s place!
Must Pause Moments
*Grandpa Joe gets pretty excited about that Golden Ticket and does a little jig. Pause the movie and show off your best celebration dance!
*The Oompa Loompa’s have a song for everyone. Stop the movie during one of their silly songs and come up with a verse for each person in your family. Remember to come up with matching dance moves too!
Other Activities
*Build a model of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Charlie uses toothpaste lids, but you and your family could use paper, clay or even treats. Think of building a pretend factory out of rice crispy treats, cake, cookies, taffy or chocolate.
*Everyone gets into a shopping frenzy as they try to find one of the 5 golden tickets. Get candy bars of your own and hide a golden ticket (or a few, depending on your family) under the wrappers. This would be a fun way to announce a trip or special outing to your family. Check around your hometown and see if there is a candy factory you could visit or another tour your family would enjoy taking.
*LyndiLou* Movie Mom With More Than One Sweet Tooth