But really it isn’t!
Being a teenager isn’t easy. Anyone who has been there can tell you that the thought of going back gives him or her cold sweats and panic attacks. Craig (Keir Gilchrist) a junior in high school is no exception to the rule and suffers from all the typical pressures of teenager. Including but definitely not limited to, peer pressure, parental pressure, pressure to get good grades, girl pressure, and the pressure to just fit in. One Sunday morning Craig decides it’s all too much to handle and is on the verge of a suicidal attempt but decides, instead, to check himself into a psychiatric hospital in the hopes of a quick fix. Much to his dismay however, his doctor admits him into the hospital for a week and since the juvenile wing is being renovated he will spend it with mostly adults and a few other teens. The week will be a myriad of “highs and lows” and more than what he had ever bargained for. But in the end Craig will come out in control and ready to take on whatever life hands him.
In case if you were renting this movie in hopes of a good laugh stop where you at in the video store because It’s Kind of A Funny Story really isn’t kind of a funny story at all. In fact the film is based on the book written by Ned Vizzini and is not meant to be a comedy but a story about a teenager who wants to commit suicide but decides to check himself into a mental hospital instead. Sounds pretty heavy, I know, but I like that it’s very candid about such “hush-hush” issues as suicide, depression, anxiety, and a slue of other mental problems. Issues that I think are scary to talk about amongst each other, let alone our teenagers. I think it gives a lot of insight to the pressures of the average teenager.
Keir Gilchrist plays Craig and is actually quite captivating as someone who has this great supportive family, lots of friends, a love interest, and is quite intelligent, and yet still feels like the world will come crashing down at any minute. And I believed him! Although the movie doesn’t have a documentary feel, I felt like it was all about Keir Gilchrist and his depression! One of his anxieties causes him to throw up spontaneously, which isn’t typically my sense of humor, but in this film I felt it was the perfect comedic relief. For all of you hopeless romantics out there, there is a love triangle that is pretty inspiring, and more of a bi-product of Craig’s depression, and not the reason for it. It’s Kind of a Funny Story may not be all that funny, but it’s definitely worth your time and money to see!
Keir Gilchrist plays Craig and is actually quite captivating as someone who has this great supportive family, lots of friends, a love interest, and is quite intelligent, and yet still feels like the world will come crashing down at any minute. And I believed him! Although the movie doesn’t have a documentary feel, I felt like it was all about Keir Gilchrist and his depression! One of his anxieties causes him to throw up spontaneously, which isn’t typically my sense of humor, but in this film I felt it was the perfect comedic relief. For all of you hopeless romantics out there, there is a love triangle that is pretty inspiring, and more of a bi-product of Craig’s depression, and not the reason for it. It’s Kind of a Funny Story may not be all that funny, but it’s definitely worth your time and money to see!
Motherly Advice: I had all of my filters set on medium and was spared one “f” word and one pretty heavy make-out scene. Clearplay also cuts out a bunch of religious expletives as well as a handful of other swear words. Two big topics of concern that you’ll want to discuss prior to watching It’s Kind of a Funny Story are first, the issue of suicide, encompassing depression and anxiety. Second, sexual related dialogue. Both topics are very heavily laced throughout the movie so with parental discussion I would recommend this move for ages 13 and up.
Trisha~I'm actually kind of impressed with this Funny Story!!