What happens when the weirdest herd (made up of a woolly mammoth, a sloth and a saber tooth tiger) find themselves trying to get a human baby back to his own pack? Find out and have some serious fun in this Family Movie Night Activity.
Movie Snacks
*Poor Scrat is always trying to get an acorn or two. It’s lots easier for your family to enjoy some tasting acorns, by making some of your own. Make your own decorated doughnut holes with this great recipe from Movie Mom Launi. Remember to make enough though, they’re really tasty and will go fast!
*Two Rhinos get pretty mad when Sid messes up their salad and eats the last dandelion. Make some big tasty salads of your own to enjoy for dinner and be sure to keep them away from Sid.
*When Manny, Sid and Diego are trying to feed the baby, they have to outsmart some Dodo birds for a melon. Serve up your family’s favorite melons and other fruits to show you outsmarted the extinct birds too!
Must Pause Moments
*When the weather turns sour Manny and Sid collect sticks to make shelter. Stop the movie and build a fun shelter of your own to watch the rest of the movie in. *Sid’s silly faces help the human baby to stop crying. Stop the movie for a little while and practice your best silly faces. You could take turns using props like tape, sunglasses or fake teeth to see which face makes everyone laugh the most.
*When Sid, Manny and Diego start slipping and sliding through the ice grab a baby doll or stuffed animals and pass it each time the animal holding the baby in the movie gets switched. Last person with the baby gets the last dandelion (or other fun treat or prize).
Other Activities
*The baby's Dad carries around a bead necklace that belonged to the babies Mom. String your own necklace and wear it through the rest of the movie.
*Part of Manny’s back story is told through cave drawings. Use crumpled up brown lunch or grocery bags to draw or paint your own cave drawings on. If you want to get really creative, let your family use chalk or charcoal to make it look even more realistic. Go the extra mile and make up your own symbol alphabet and try writing each other cryptic notes.
*LyndiLou* Movie Mom That Enjoys All Four Seasons WAY More Than Any Ice Age