The Friendliest Ghost You Know
The sweet cartoon star, Casper, makes it to the big screen in this story about a Ghost Psychologist (Bill Pullman), his daughter (Christina Ricci) who move in to Casper's house. The dead and the living mix and mingle their way through some silly fun, just like you can do with the latest Family Movie Night Activity.
Movie Snacks:* Casper makes breakfast for Kat so you could have breakfast along with your Movie Night. Bacon, eggs, pancakes and orange juice should be on the menu.
* The ghosts stuff their faces with treats, cookies and doughnuts for breakfast. Be sure to have some sweet treats for your little ghosts and ghouls.
* Make some Lazarus Potion by serving red punch out of odd shaped bottles and vials.
* Enjoy some black and orange cupcakes like the kind Kat's classmates bring for the party.
Must-Pause-Moment*Casper takes pictures of two very scared kids. Take turns catching your best "Scared Silly" face on camera each time someone in the movie gets spooked, then compare the scares!
*While unpacking, Kat throws her socks over her shoulder. Have a sock shoot-out and see how many you can make into the laundry basket by tossing them backwards over your shoulder.
*Kat and Casper talk about forgetting the people they love who have passed on. Take some time to write down some of your favorite things about each other, so you can always remember or even share some of your favorite memories of your loved ones who are no longer with you.
Other Activities*Each time someone meets Casper or his brothers they scream! Hold your best screaming contest to see who sounds the most like they met a real ghost.
*Be sure to give each other a high 4 (instead of 5) just like Casper would.
*Navigate everyone through The Great Ghost Chase Obstacle Course, using different get-away methods and scare tactics from the movie. Your course should include: a Fireman Carry - Kat's Dad carries her out of the room after meeting Casper. Rug roll - Dad gets wrapped up in a rug by Capser's brothers (you could use a blanket/sleeping bag). Vacuum/dust-buster chase - Kat and her Dad keep the ghosts away by sucking them into the vacuum. The rolling chair scoot - just like the Up & At'Um Machine. This would work well for a birthday or Halloween party.
*LyndiLou* ~ I Ain't Affraid of No Ghosts