GPS Systems, Charles Dickens and Things That Are Free
Everything sounds better spoken with a British accent. It's just how it is. You canNOT argue the fact. I recently conquered the daunting feat of a 12 hour drive (to and from California) straight through, by myself, with two kids. How did I do this remarkable thing? A consistent diet of Red Vines and Mountain Dew, and a British accented GPS system. Because really, I ask you, how else could a woman whose been in the car for twelve straight hours with whining kids truly make it through the congested, confusing and grumpy freeway system of downtown Oakland without bursting a blood vessel? She couldn't...if it were not for the calming British voice directing her to safety. The British just have a way of making everything sound better. Even some movies are better when spoken with that British flavor.
Which brings me to my point and yes, I do have one: BBC movies are a revelation! I've recently been introduced to the splendor and delight of BBC movies. Once upon a time I thought they were for old people and women desperate for romance. Maybe I've been dumped into both categories, or maybe I was just wrong all along. BBC movies are jolly good fun!
On this blog we do try to keep our movie reviewing and discussing to movies that have filters, but I wanted to break away for just a moment for a little selfish discussion. Lets talk BBC movies. I know you BBC lovers are out there, you're just a little shy in expressing your love. I've only been watching BBC movies for about 10 months now and I have a lot to learn. I started with Jane Eyre (the 2006 one) which quickly made it onto my top six favorite movies of all time. Then I moved on to North and South and from there to Wives and Daughters. I also experienced Pride and Prejudice (which is actually A&E) for the first time and fell in love! This last weekend my husband and I just finished the TV miniseries Little Dorrit and here I am singing praises for BBC again.
Little Dorrit was great! I didn't expect such a twisted, mysterious and fun story as this, although I should have since it is Charles Dickens. It was so fun! (Although as a little bit of Motherly Advice there is a creepy, evil French guy in there who does some drinking, murdering and general creeping me out sorts of things.) I loved Eddie Marsan (Police Officer from Sherlock Holmes) as the snorting Pancks and Russell Tovey very truly broke my heart as John Chivary. Actually, I have yet to see a performance on a BBC movie that wasn't perfection. It's almost as if the actors and actresses they cast for these roles actually have to audition or know, instead of just be famous and/or good looking and/or popular for the time.
So, lay it on me! What are your favorite BBC movies? And lets not stop there because A&E has great stuff too and Masterpiece Theater. I think this week I'm going to tackle Lark Rise to Candleford. I'm anxious for your replies! So anxious in fact I'll send a delightful movie gift basket to someone who comments on this post about BBC, A

I'll choose a winner on Monday, September 27th which means this giveaway will end on the 26th at midnight.
Danielle'-British Accented Wannabe
P.S. The gift basket delivered may not look like the picture above. It will be delightful, and brighten your day but it may not look exactly like this one. This picture was chosen for it's simple beauty. :)