I think I must have been an architect in a 'previous' life because really, look at the lines and angles on this structure I, myself built. On top of the sheer asthetical beauty of this creation, would you believe it was constructed using only green materials like recycled blankets, books, pillows and random flower vases?
Believe it.
Please also take note of the night-lighting feature inside... I know, I've missed my calling in life.
Well, I've always been a believer that it's best to make the best of missed callings, so I'm making my structure building talents into a Movie Night Taj Mahal!
Here's the idea:
-Make yourselves a tent in your family room with a big enough opening to be able to see the TV from inside.
-Make the tent itself big enough for adults to fit in, because the look on your kids' face when you crawl into the tent will be worth the backache later and the twenty minutes it may take you to get back to a vertical position.
-Movies you can watch in a tent are many, but ones we've done are Tarzan, The Jungle Book, Mulan, Princess and the Frog, Peter Pan, The Lion King, Nim's Island etc.
-Bring in some popcorn and even a soft glowing lantern and relax! But remember, don't beat yourself up if you can't create something as magnificent as mine...these things just can't be taught.
Danielle'-Movie Mom with Frank Lloyd Wright Flare