At the beginning of the movie Precious, the title character (played by Gabourey Sidibe) is about as a low a cinematic character as you’re apt to find. Obese, mean-spirited, pregnant with her second child at 16, she’s faced with getting kicked out of school until she’s presented with an alternative learning program. With glimpses into Precious’s dreams, we follow her from her abusive household (the mom is played by Oscar-winner Mo’Nique) to her emergence as a person who can stand on her own.
ClearPlay In Action!
The R rating Precious received was duly earned, for “child abuse including sexual assault, and pervasive language.” The movie deals with incest, rape, abuse, and homosexuality. The ClearPlayed version removes both overt and implied scenes dealing with the incest, though the incestuous acts are still alluded to in therapy sessions. More than 150 instances of profanity are also edited. Even ClearPlayed, you’ll probably want to limit the viewing to mature teens and above.
Is the movie’s mettle heavy or Precious?…
The amazing accomplishment of Precious comes in taking a seemingly unredeemable and potentially unsympathetic character and making us love her. It’s indie-style sensibilities and pitch-perfect acting are well suited to its dark subject matter, though certainly not for all tastes. Precious is alternately heartbreaking and triumphant, leaving the viewer feeling there’s more good than bad in people.
Marty Nabhan— ClearPlay JewelerRated R for child abuse including sexual assault, and pervasive language.; 109 min; Directed By Lee Daniels