Merida is a Scottish princess who doesn’t appreciate her Mom, the Queen, telling her how to act ALL the time. They don’t see things the same way, especially when it comes down to a competition for Merida’s hand in marriage. With the help of a wood-carving witch, Merida sets out to change her Mother, but ends up changing quite a bit herself as well. Gather your own clan and watch this magical movie about love, family, and perspective all while enjoying these activities for a fantastic Family Movie Night. To read a review of this movie, click here.
Movie Snacks
*Since this is a movie with Scottish characters it has a Haggis reference, so be BRAVE and serve some up for your family. You can try your hand at cooking it yourself or even order it canned. If think your family will respond the same way the triplets did, then serve up a meat buffet fit for King Fergus himself, fruits and vegetables for Queen Elinor, and plenty of biscuits and tarts for Merida and the boys.
*An important part of the story is the cake that Merida gives her Mother. For dessert, serve mini cakes, tarts or even cookies that look like the enchanted one the queen ate, or the ones Merida and the triplets are always snacking on. You could also have Scottish shortbread cookies to munch on while enjoying the show.
*To stick with the bear theme, you could serve bear claw doughnuts or cookies that look like bears or bear paws. To drink, serve some witch's brew from a bubbling cauldron.
Must Pause Moments
*When Merida is learning to use her bow and arrows, let your family try their hand at some target practice along with her. You could use a toy bow & arrow, make your own Q-tip bow & arrow or even just use beanbags to throw and see how close you get. Set up some paper targets on the wall or stick them on the pillow of the couch and shoot (or throw) to your heart’s content.
*When Merida follows the wisps, have your own game of follow the leader. Dress someone up as the wisp, by having them wear a blue t-shirt, scarf or wrapping them in blue crepe paper and let them lead everyone on a little walk. You could be the wisp and lead your family to dinner or dessert or let each of your children have a turn leading everyone else around to get the wiggles out.
*Print off some coloring pages or a whole activity booklet for your kids to use while they watch the show.
Other Activities
*Decorate for your movie night by setting up a tent, like the ones the royal clan sits in during the games. You could also place wisps around your home. Use blue cellophane or tissue paper and make a ball at the top and pinch it off with a rubber band, letting the rest of it flow down over a cardboard roll or piece of cardstock you’ve rolled into a cone. Place these around your home to lead you family to their seats or to the refreshments.
*Hold your own Highland games complete with a caber toss competition, archery targets, sword fighting, and a tart eating contest. Do these games on a miniature scale if you’re stuck inside or set up different stations in the yard with crests labeling where each event is. You could even break into teams, or clans, complete with plaid sashes or kilts for each group.
*The Witch hides who she is by running a wood carving shop. Try your hand at wood carving and see if you can make something that would fit in at the Craft Carver’s shop. If real wood carving is above the skill level of your group, break out the clay and see what bear creation you can come up with.
*LyndiLou*-Movie Mom who has tried Haggis and lived to tell the tale!