“I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery.”
Clark Griswold has big plans for this Christmas season and his Christmas bonus… but neither of them turn out to be what he expected. This crazy movie will have you splitting your sides and wondering if anyone will survive the holidays with the Griswold family around. Enjoy this show for your next Movie Night and find out how not to celebrate the holidays.
Wear While Watching:
*After driving for quite some time, Audrey worries they are traveling all that way to get a goofy Santa tie. Prove her right by breaking out your best Santa tie, shirt or ugly Christmas sweater to wear during the movie.
*Clark gets locked in the cold attic and stays warm by putting on a bunch of random winter clothes. Have your family mix and match your winter clothes to wear while watching this flick. If you’re holding a movie night party, you could collect winter clothes for the homeless or other organization in honor of Clark. You could also give out a pair of mittens, a scarf or other warm clothing item as party favors.
Home Theater Décor:
*The easiest way to decorate for a Christmas Vacation Movie Night is to have your Christmas tree and lights up. You could keep it simple or go all out in every room, to try and get a feel for what it would be like decorating like the Griswolds.
*If you want to decorate specifically for this movie, have a pretend burned up Christmas tree in one room. You could go the extra mile and even switch it out during the movie. Have a beautiful decorated Christmas tree in one room, then while everyone is watching the movie, sneak out and replace that tree with a fake one that has black, “charred” branches, or even no branches at all. You could also decorate with Christmas lights that you turn on and off periodically throughout the night.
Movie Munchies:
*Instead of putting all those real Christmas lights on your house, have gingerbread houses for everyone to decorate during the movie! Have candies in plenty of colors so people can add as many “lights” to their house as they can!
*The whole family gathers for a nice turkey dinner, but things are a little odd. The Turkey is extremely dry and Aunt Bethany brought Jell-o with cat food in it. Make a nice turkey dinner for your family, or copy the Groswold’s meal by having turkey jerkey (or freeze dried turkey), gelatin with “cat food” (plain cereal or granola) in it just like Aunt Bethany’s version. Remember to serve up some eggnog as well.
*In honor of Clark’s Jelly of the Month Club enrollment, have a jam and jelly buffet, complete with breads, crackers and muffins to try them all with. You could also invite your guests to bring their favorite to share or have a jar of jelly for each person for a party favor.
Movie Inspired Adventures:
*Go as a family and choose a live Christmas tree like the Griswold family does. Be sure to sing in the car (especially “Deck the Halls”) but please be cautious while driving, because Clark nearly gets in a wreck when he’s driving.
*When Clark is stuck in the attic he passes the time by watching home videos of past Christmases. Watch some old home videos or record some this year so you can remember all the fun things you do for years to come.
*Go sledding as a family, just like the Griswolds did… just be sure to go a lot slower than Clark!
*LyndiLou* - I dedicate this Movie Night to the Griswold Family Christmas!