A thrilling movie you
can Count on!
Greed, greed and more
greed. The Count of Monte Cristo follows the betrayal of a jealous and
envious friend, Fernand Mondego (Guy Pearce), that leads to the false
imprisonment of Edmond Dantes (Jim Caviezel). Mondego wants nothing more than to
step into Dantes' shoes and live the life he feels he deserves, steal the love
of his life, and sees nothing wrong with pursuing his desires at the cost of
This is the ultimate
tale of revenge. Forgiveness is the best choice but the scorned Dantes wants
slow and sweet revenge. Caviezel’s character grows and has depth and intrigue
while Pearce succumbs to the monstrous chain of wrong doings he has
committed. The love story is done without blatant visuals and lust but with a
vulnerability given to Mercedes (Dagmara Dominczyk) that paints her to be a
victim as well. If you find it to be a slow start and slightly depressing, hang
with it, by the time Dantes is looking at how to change his fate while stuck in
that awful prison we meet new and fun characters and you will be rooting for
Dantes to get the justice he seeks. I would classify this as a fantastic movie
and urge you all to see it!
Motherly Advice: I
watched this with my filters set to most filtering. There are many action scenes
including sword and knife fighting, guns and some brutal whipping to
prisoners. Multiple deaths are seen onscreen including one caused by
drowning. Drinking alcohol by one character leads to the appearance of
drunkenness. Two kisses lead to the appearance of premarital sex where you see
partially naked bodies (but no graphic nudity) briefly. The aforementioned
things all fit into the movie well without adding unneeded things. Suitable for
ages 14 and up.
Hannah – ClearPlay Countess
Next I am off
to read the book, I want to see how far the movie strayed from the original
story, since they usually do.