"Sometimes One Dream is bright enough to light up the
October Sky is based on the book “Rocket Boys” and
tells the true story of Homer Hickam (Jake Gyllenhaal) in 1957 Coalwood, West
Virginia where there was almost no opportunity. The only kids that got out of
the dust filled town received football scholarships to college, the rest
accepted the inevitability of working in the coal mine. When the Russian’s
launched Sputnik it ignited something in Homer and he saw that as his ticket out
of Coalwood. Determined not to follow in his dad’s (Chris Cooper)
coal-blackened footsteps, Homer and his closest buddies began building their own
October Sky is such an inspiring story that it will
surely lift your spirits. After I watch a really good inspirational movie, I
find myself all gung-ho and ready to do a gut-check of my own dreams.
Let’s just say if they made a movie about my life I’m not sure
what it would be called quite yet but hey, that’s okay, I may be on the brink of
something, you never know...right?! The “Rocket Boys” determination
is contagious.
Throughout the film you are given glimpses of the dreary and laborious
life of a coal miner, it paints a dull future full of risk, injury and illness
from the mine. You can’t blame these boys for wanting a different life; Homer’s
relationship with his proud and hardened father is key in this story. Make sure to watch the credits to see what became
of the boys.
Motherly Advice: October Sky is rated PG
so I set my filters to medium which took out language and only left a few minor
things. One of Homer’s friends is seen being beaten by his
step-father which leads to the intervention of Homer’s dad. The
mine offers many dangers and some injuries and accidents occur but without
showing much (a dead body is seen very briefly) mostly just discussed.
Life wasn’t always easy and that is portrayed but the positive message of
following ones passion is the biggest takeaway. A family film, I
would recommend for ages 8 and up.
Hannah - ClearPlay Dreamer with a long list
of Wishes!