Okay, men, gather round. Don’t let the lady folk read this, or you may find yourself watching The Lucky One, a Zac Efron romance based on source material by Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook). Zac plays Logan, a Marine who comes out of three tours in Iraq unscathed, a luck he attributes to his “guardian,” a picture of a girl he found in some rubble. When he comes home, he seeks out the girl (Taylor Shilling), but can’t bring himself to tell her of The Photo. Because what girl, being told by Zac that her visage saved his life, wouldn’t slam the door and run the other way?
Uhh…no one.
Uhh…no one.
ClearPlay In Action!
ClearPlayed, The Lucky One is relieved of about 20 profanities, some of the more violent though bloodless moments, and a couple of scenes of intimacy (a.k.a. PG–13 disrobing and lovemaking). The war is still scary, and there is some psychological cruelty, but the ClearPlayed version is okay for the family if they don’t tire of Efron smoldering or Shilling crying.
Should I get Lucky?…
Well, here’s the thing: I may have to tear up my Man Card, but I found the acting and clichéd melodrama oddly compelling. Still, the plot hinges on a trumped up Secret that is really no big deal (you know, The Photo), making much of the dramatic tension a lie, and no amount of sensitive stares or orange backlighting can disguise that.
Marty Nabhan— ClearPlay Luck–Finder
Rated G; 78 min; Directed By Scott Hicks