Lola or Lol (Miley Cyrus) as her friends call her, is
just trying to figure it all out. Between love, school, and home
life, she is the typical sassy and confused teenager. And just as
most teenage girls do, Lol keeps a diary full of all the juicy details of her
not-so moral life. Her mother Anne (Demi Moore)
finds the diary and feels justified in reading it to gain insight into her
daughters’ life. By so doing, she’ll drive a wedge into their
already strained mother/daughter relationship, a wedge that can only be
dissolved by honest and mature communication.
You may be wondering why I titled this review, Lots of
Love OR Laugh Out Loud. That’s because if you are a teenager you’ll probably
have lots of love for this film, but if you are any other age you’ll
laugh out loud at how poorly this film was put together. So
since I’m not of the teenage, er, age, I side with the latter LOL.
The whole way through I found myself sick with how disrespectful
the teenagers were to themselves, their bodies, their friends, and their
parents. I know teenagers can be sassy (I certainly had my number
of groundings for “mouthing off”) but it seems like this movie put teenagers in
a really dark and ignorant light. Both Demi Moore and Miley Cyrus
gave mediocre performances, and the rest of the characters I didn’t recognize
nor will I probably ever see again. Truth be told, even if I had teenagers
I wouldn’t want them watching this film for fear of letting them know it’s OK to
act like this. So how about if you are at Redbox and come across
LOL, you laugh out loud and then move on to the next movie!
Motherly Advice: I watched LOL with my filters on medium.
As I previously stated, I wouldn’t recommend this movie for anyone, but
if you have teenagers that absolutely insist, here’s what you should
know. Lots of sexual implications and discussion, scantily dressed
teenagers as in short skirts, short shorts, off the shoulder shirts, etc.
Surprisingly, drinking and drugs weren’t a strong theme here, but they still go
to clubs and sneak out of their homes. I caught maybe 3 or 4 swear words that
didn’t get filtered, and one make-out scene that I thought could have been
cut. To be quite frank, I think this could have been a rated R
film because let me say that the movie was jumping and skipping everywhere from
all the content that my wonderful Clearplayer was filtering out.
So if you must watch this film, I would say it’s appropriate for ages
Trisha~ Confessions of a Once Sassy Teenager