A Mediocre Slam Dunk!
In the mood for a film set in the 70’s that is based on a
true story? A film with morals and values and life lessons? A film about
basketball and the will to succeed? If you answered yes to one or
all of these questions then you need to go see The Mighty Macs!
Cathy Rush(Carla Gugino) is a strong willed woman way ahead of
her time who gets hired to coach a small all-girls catholic basketball
A team comprised of less than adequate talent and no real
desire to play or be a team. Coach Rush takes them on and inspires
them to trust one another and believe in themselves. Lessons that would take the
team all the way to Nationals in hopes of winning it all!
Once upon a time there were sports movies that were based on
real life events. Movies like Miracle, We are the Titans, We
are Marshall came to the big screen and made us feel like against all odds,
there is still good in the world. The Mighty Macs is in
this same genre but just lacked the intensity and depth that other movies had.
As far as the acting goes, Carla Gugino and Marley Shelton do a good job, but
that’s about where the good acting ends. (With the exception of Cathy’s husband,
David Boreanaz, who is in the film for about five minutes, bummer!) If I had to
give this movie a grade it would be a B-, it’s based on a true story and is
inspiring but as we say in basketball, just doesn’t quite hit the sweet
Motherly Advice: I watched, The Mighty Macs with my filters on medium
and this is going to be the shortest paragraph of all of my reviews because I
saw one, count it, one scene where one of the nuns (weird I know) and Cathy rush
were drinking. That’s it. It’s a G rated film
appropriate for all ages but I think teenage girls would find the most
Trisha~ Am I the only one that thought the
girls’ uniforms were actually quite cute?!?!