When a young boy loses his beloved father in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he tries to cope with the nonsensical, irreversible nature of what has taken something so precious from him. Finding a mysterious key in his father’s closet, he sets out on a mission to find the matching lock and somehow connect again to the person that meant everything to him.
ClearPlay In Action!
ClearPlay cleans up some implied and real swearing (not a lot), including an implied ‘F’ word. Other than that, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a clean movie. The movie’s pace and its subject matter of loss and bereavement are geared more toward adults.Is the Movie Close to Extremely Incredible?…
Given the subject matter of 9/11 and a child coming to grips with losing a father, one can expect some strong emotions, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close delivers a number of very affecting scenes. The movie suffers from deliberate pacing, especially at the beginning, but the mystery of the key and the stellar acting should give you a reason to push through to the conclusion. Sandra Bullock, Max Van Sydow, and Thomas Horn deserve high marks, in particular, for their strong performances.Brian Fuller—ClearPlay Sixth Borough Citizen
Rated PG-13 for emotional thematic material, some disturbing images, and language; 129 min; Directed by Stephen Daldry