A Girl’s Quest To Witness A Miracle
Landon Carter is, popular, good-looking, and has no idea what he wants to do post-graduation. One night when he and his crew get together, a silly dare lands one of his friends in the hospital. Landon is held responsible and is forced to complete community service in the form of playing the lead role in the High School play. The leading lady is the reverend’s daughter who is quiet, smart, and has a long list of things she wants to do with her life, all things Landon finds unbearably annoying. The two are forced to spend a lot of time together and just as they always do, feelings emerge and the two fall in love. It’s only after a devastating secret of Jamie’s is revealed that their relationship is tested and Landon will have to decide what he really wants out of life.
I don’t know where Mandy Moore or Shane West are right now but back in 2002 these two came together in an adorable heart warming film, A Walk To Remember. The plot is pretty deep, just like a typical Nicholas Sparks film would be, but I also like the way that each character is developed. It’s a beautiful story of love, hope, trust, change, and miracles and the soundtrack isn’t too shabby either! The acting could have been improved upon but you’ll be so wrapped up in the story that you’ll hardly notice it. I know I’ll remember A Walk To Remember for a long time to come!
Motherly Advice: I had my filters on medium for A Walk To Remember and was glad! There were quite a few swear words that were cleared, as well as some religious expletives by the rebellious Landon Carter and his crew. The beginning scene also shows some underage drinking and a teen jumping off of a 50 ft bridge that was kind of hard to watch. You’ll also see one shot where Landon is putting a tattoo on Jamie’s bare shoulder, and one very mild scuffle between Landon and his best guy friend. Beyond these things the big thing to have a talk with prior to viewing this film is death. There is a tear-jerking portion of the movie that deals with death that might be better explained by a parent. With your filters on medium this movie is perfectly suitable for ages 13+.
Trisha~ As much as I loved it, this may not be a good film for a guy. Or so my husband says.