The Grass Is Greener And The Moms Are Better On Earth
Milo might be tired of his Mom making him do chores and eat his least favorite foods, but he starts missing her as soon as the Martians snatch her up. Luckily he’s on his way to Mars with her and just has to figure out how to save his Mom… but the clock is ticking! Have a Movie Night the Martians will be envious of with these Family Movie Night Activities.
Movie Snacks
*Mars is known as the Red Planet so serve up a fitting Red Meal. Choose from all sorts of red menu items like pasta with red sauce, tomato or roasted red pepper soup, red jello, fruit (strawberries, watermelon, cranberries, etc), red juice, punch or smoothies, and all sorts of red treats like licorice, gummies, suckers, and more.
*Milo’s Mom tries to make him eat all his broccoli but Milo tries to sneak his way out of it. Serve up some broccoli to your family and find out if they like it more than Milo does.
*Make Martian sugar cookies. Make lots of plain cookies and get different sprinkles, candy and other decorations to make your best looking alien replicas.
Must Pause Moments
*Milo always groans when his Mom asks him to help around the house. Pause the movie and see if your kids can show Milo the RIGHT way to obey parents. Have them quickly do a simple chore (like taking out the trash or cleaning up their plates from dinner) without complaining.
*Each time someone in the movie says “Unauthorized Dog Pile” stop the movie and have everyone dive into your own dog pile on the floor. Be careful though, we don’t want any bumps or bruises!
*When Gribble introduces himself to Milo, he tries to give him a “handle” or nickname. Take a moment and choose a space nickname for everyone watching the show. You can mix up your first and last name like Gribble did, or use some of your favorite activities, foods or things to get the perfect name.
Other Activities
*Wear red lens sunglasses or cover your lights with red cellophane to give the room a red glow and make it feel like you’re on Mars.
*Since the gravity is different on Mars than it is on Earth, Gribble has Milo wear a weight belt. Make your own weight belts by attaching batteries, cans or even toys to belts with duct tape to keep you grounded during the film.
*Ki discovered color and loves tagging different parts of the ship. Make your own colorful creation by letting everyone make their most colorful creation. Use paper, paint, crayons, markers, glitter, stickers and anything else you can think of. Consider making pictures of your family or just make something beautiful and abstract like Ki did.
*LyndiLou* - Movie Mom That Plans On Staying On Earth