“The Story You Are About To See Has Been Told Before… A Lot.”
This movie has some similarities to that of the classic, doomed couple by a similar name, but you and your family are sure to have more fun with this version. Can Gnomeo and Juliet, who come from different yards, look past the color of their hats and find lasting love? You’ll find out when you gather your family to “Fair Verona” (Verona Street, that is) and get your Gnome on with these Family Movie Night Activities.
Movie Snacks
*Enjoy a garden fresh salad with all the home-grown fixings to enjoy the benefits of your green thumb. If you don’t have a garden, just enjoy a salad brought to you by someone else’s green thumb.
*An important lawn gnome job is to keep the yard looking great. Make your best Green Grass Cake using colored coconut shavings or by decorating with a grass icing tip. Decorate your cupcake yard with gnomes and mushrooms you’ve sculpted out of Starburst candies.
*When you‘re basking in the beauty of your yard, what quenches your thirst better than Featherstone’s own Pink Flamingo Lemonade. Mix in raspberries, strawberries or your favorite berry to add a tasty twist!
Must Pause Moments
*Gnomeo and Tybalt have a lawnmower race to represent their yards. Stop the movie and have a race of your own. While you probably don’t want to race with lawnmowers through your yard, you could have a wheelbarrow race instead.
*If you made Green Grass Cake, let each person use a popsicle stick and spread their initials into the “lawn” when Juliet carves her and Gnomeo’s initials into the grass.
*Barry dances up a storm on the Laptop computer touchpad while he orders a new lawnmower. Mark out a spot in your floor with tape and have your own Laptop dance off. Remember to pause the movie so you each have enough time to showcase your best gnome moves.
Other Activities
*Wear Montague Blue or Capulet Red to show which gnome clan you belong to.
*Use felt to make your own gnome hat. The easiest way to make one is to cut out a large circular piece of fabric then cut a slit to the center of the circle. Overlap the two sides of the slit to create a hat that fits you. Sew or use fabric glue to hold the sides together. Wear your gnome hat with pride!
*Take pictures of your Family Movie Night Activities and post them to the Clearplay Facebook page. We would love to see all the family fun in action!
*LyndiLou* - Movie Mom With Gno Gnomes In Her Yard