If you’ve ever had cabin-fever, then you’ll appreciate the predicament Rapunzel is in: She’s been stuck in the same place for 18 years! Things are about to change though, because she has a dream and it’s going to take a huge adventure to make it come true. Join us in celebrating the beautiful version of a classic story; enjoy Tangled and these fun Family Movie Night Activities tonight!
Movie Snacks
*In honor of Rapunzel and her beautiful golden hair serve a variety of golden yellow snacks! You could have everything from Golden Oreos, Twinkies, butterscotch hard candies, mango or peach smoothies, waffles, buttery popcorn, and of course blond brownies.
*Mother Gothel says that Hazelnut Soup is Rapunzel’s favorite. Serve some to your family along with Breadstick Braids worthy of the Tangled star.
*When Eugene and Rapunzel make it to the village, they grab some of the market wares like bread, cheese and cupcakes, snacks your family can enjoy as well. You’ll want to remember to grab a few apples for Max as well.
Must Pause Moments
*Rapunzel has some great ideas to keep herself busy up in the tower. Take notes (or look up the lyrics) and when she’s done singing, see how much of her schedule your family can remember. It could be fun to see if there is anything she does that you want to add to your routine.
*Rapunzel uses her hair and frying pan to protect herself. Stop and see if you can wield rope hair or a frying pan like she can. Use yarn/rope to whip bottles or cans and see if you can knock them over. Play an inning or two of Frying Pan softball or tennis. Be careful though, you’ve seen how lethal her weapons can be. You will have to decide if this is an age appropriate activity for your family.
*The floating lanterns are so beautiful, who wouldn’t want to fill up the sky with a few of those. Stop and decorate the room with lanterns of your own or do some serious planning and buy/make some of your own floating lanterns. (BEWARE: I meant it when I said SERIOUS planning. If you’re going to make your own, there’s an interesting shopping list and you’ll need more time than one movie night. It’s doable, but would need to be well thought out. You might find it easier to buy some already made from online.)
Other Activities
*Add a little glow to your table, room, or to your self. Grab some glow sticks (especially the yellow ones to go along with your golden snacks!), dim the lights and let the glow of the movie and Rapunzel’s long hair light up your evening.
*Attila the Thug has a dream to bake cupcakes. Cook some up for your family so he can live vicariously through you.
*Draw or paint a picture of your family where everyone has long hair or silly noses. See what you would look like if you had Rapunzel’s hair or if you had your portrait done by the artist who created the “Wanted” posters of Flynn Rider.
*LyndiLou* Movie Mom Who Was Never Into Princesses…Until Now!