All right you fabulous ClearPlay Blog Readers let's brush up on your mad math skills! Here's a movie math equation for you. The first person to correctly answer this movie math equation will win a Free ClearPlay DVD Player!!
Clarifications: The math should be performed by hitting = after each mathematical function.
If the title has more than one number in it, put them together so that each title has only one number i.e. (7 Brides for 7 Brothers would be 77).
Some titles have more than one option so I have given clues to lead you to the correct title.
Numbers that appear in clues (which are found in parenthesis) do not count into the equation.
Good Luck!
(# Days of Summer) + (# Monkeys) + (# Days and # Nights (with the actor who measures high in success and is in extraordinary movies)) + (# Leagues Under the Sea) + (#:# to Yuma) - (# Miles to Graceland) / (The # Amigos) - (#Acres) - (The # Sense) x(The # Feathers) + (Fahrenheit # (based off a book published in 1951)) x (# Pounds (with actor who was legendary in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi)) + (K:# The Widowmaker) / (Born on the # of July) + (# Dollar Baby) + (# Seconds (1994 film with an actor who used to live in a 90210 zip code)) / (The # Amigos) + (# First Dates) x (# Hour Photo) - (Ladder #) + (The # Spartans) - ( # Fast #Furious) = ?
First Correct Answer Wins!!