Halloween Movie List

So many choices...
In case you're stumped with what to watch next for some Halloween fright here's your guidebook to good times with movie night.

For the Kiddies:Corpse BrideNightmare Before Christmas

Monster House
-This was pretty scary for an animated film. It was too scary for my 4 and 7 year old but maybe your 10 year olds might like it.
Hocus Pocus
We watched this for the first time last week and thought it was pretty cute. One warning though, there is one animated character with a very plentiful and protruding bosom. Can't figure out what the deal was with such a low cut dress in a kids' movie.

For the Grown-Ups:Beetlejuice-Such a fun flashback movie with Michael Keaton at his most 'charming'.
Edward Scissor Hands- This is old-school Johnny Depp
The Burbs- This one is so funny you hardly even get scared. Tom Hanks is the greatest.
The Sixth Sense-'I see dead people'. Really, need I say more?
Psycho-Classic scary film among classic scary films.
The Village-My second favorite M. Night Shymalan movie.
The Others-So spooky! I love Nicole Kidman.
Rebecca-An old Hitchcock film that I watched with my bookclub this month. It's his only film that won an Oscar Award for Best Picture. My how films have changed since then.
Aracnophobia-Look through our 'Double Double Toil and Trouble' Giveaway entries for a great idea to go with this creepy crawly movie starring Jeff Daniels before Dumb and Dumber.
Sleepy Hollow-It's been a long time since I watched this one but I think I liked it. Of course it's nothing like the book but what are ya gonna do?
What Lies Beneath-Ooooh, so creepy!
Sherlock Holmes-
It's got the dark gothic charm going on and the creepy black magic thing so it counts for Halloween.
VanHelsing-Did you know he's actually a major character in Bram Stoker's original Dracula? Only he's old and not so...Hugh Jackmanesque.

Well, better stop there, I could go on for days!
Happy Halloween Movie Watching!
Danielle'-Your Guide to Halloween Movie Delight

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