Dear ClearPlay Friends,
Some day a book will be written about getting ClearPlay in a Blu-ray player. We had no idea how tricky it would be when we started working on it many years ago. And although it has been an amazingly difficult climb, we feel truly grateful for the "little" miracles that have occurred along the way.
For example, at the beginning of this year (2:48 am on January 1st to be exact!) we were contacted by an individual who was able to solve an important road block to getting the product developed. There are many many stories like this -- and perhaps many more to come!
As always, it is you, our customers, who are our most important relationship. For example, as we began beta testing the Blu-ray player several months ago we wanted to get real world feedback. We looked to our customers, and in a short period of time had over 500 volunteers testing the new player and providing valuable feedback. Thank you so very much!
One thing we are most excited about with this new Blu-ray player is that we can send automatic updates to the player. Our product roadmap has several software enhancements and improvements, and each of these improvements will be sent automatically to your player. These updates will keep your player current with all the latest ClearPlay technologies.
We just started offering the new players a few days ago, and your support has been overwhelming! Thank you! If you would like to purchase a player, click HERE, or give us a call at 1-888-425-3270.

Now, as somewhat of a tradition here at ClearPlay, we want to give away a few players to our biggest fans!
Click over to our blog to learn about the contest.
From your team over here at ClearPlay,