Should the Family that Haunts Together, Scare Together?
Most of us just want to enjoy a Halloween Movie Night with the family without having to quote Dori in the depths of the deep dark ocean “Good feelings, gone!” Here are some choice picks for you and your family of all ages to snuggle up to, not cower down for.
Younger, Young Audiences:
Monsters Inc.
Charlie Brown Halloween
Scooby Doo Toons
Youngerish Audiences:
Goonies - Absolutely with filters though!
Scooby Doo 2002
Teen Audiences and Older:
Labyrinth - If you’re into that kind of thing.
Hocus Pocus - Oh, have I put this one down already? Silly me I must love it!
The Burbs - A lost Favorite of mine!
So make it a Halloween Movie Night after which you can actually sleep!
Danielle’- Halloween Movie Specialist