An Epic World War II Film -
Spielberg Style
Captain John
Miller (Tom Hanks) is part of the landing force at Normandy, France - Omaha
Beach on D-Day, June 6th, 1944 with the mission to wrest Europe from the
clutches of Nazi Germany. After just having experienced the most harrowing
combat experience of their lives, Miller and his squad of seven hand-picked men
embark on a mission at the request of the Army, to bring Private James Ryan
back, so he can go home to his grieving mother who has just learned she has lost
three of her four sons to the war.
Saving Private
Ryan is loosely based on a true story, but to many families I’m sure it was all
too real. The opening scene is probably one of the hardest to watch with its
relentless carnage and raw images. War movies can be difficult to watch and
even haunting with the situations that provoke men to do things they normally
wouldn’t do. There is no sugar coating this horrific time in our history and it
was very well played out by the recognizable cast. With Memorial Day
approaching it reminds me of the tender freedom that we have and prompts me to
remember and honor those who serve. This film was masterfully done and will
incite some emotion due to its authentic nature.
Motherly Advice:
I wasn’t sure going into this how much ClearPlay could really do for such a
graphic movie. However, besides cutting immense amounts of language it also cut
some of the gorier scenes including vomiting, limbs being severed and blood
being projected from a variety of different injuries. Death and war go hand and
hand so the volume of deaths that are seen are still numerous. Enemy soldiers
that appear to be surrendering themselves are killed instead of taken as POW’s.
Smoking is used much throughout the film. The use of guns, tanks, grenades,
flame throwers and knives are a key feature in the portrayal of this realistic
war story. I chose to crank up all my filters for this one but no level of
filtering will make this appropriate for all ages. Gauging the age of a child
who should see this really depends on their maturity to handle such material but
I would recommend no one younger than 16.
Hannah – Movie Mom, forever in debt to the brave servicemen and women!