Forever Strong

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A Feel Good Movie Just Short of Strong

Based on actual events, Forever Strong is an inspiring story of Rick Penning(Sean Farris), a young rugby player who after two DWIs gets sent to a juvenile school in Utah.  Shortly after arrival, he’s asked to play on the Highland Rugby team where he is one of the star players but off the field he has a poor relationship with his father and a bad attitude in general.  Rick is faced with the opportunity to take a good look at what he has become and with the help of his coach and team he learns the value of honoring himself, his peers, and his family.

Overall I enjoyed Forever Young, it just didn’t turn out to be a film that tugged on my heartstrings.  I appreciated the efforts of trying to teach young athletes the importance of respect for themselves and others, but at times it just felt like the movie was trying too hard.  The acting wasn’t too shabby by the main character, Sean Farris and his father played by Neal McDonough but again, the story was just a bit shallow.  I say for a film like this that could have a big impact, go big or go home! Make me want to stick my hand in and shake the character in the beginning, and give him huge hugs by the end! Sorry to say it, but if you really want an athletic, feel-good movie, rent something akin to The Grid Iron Gang….that’s right, do you know what The Rock is cookin’?

Motherly Advice: Since I knew Forever Strong would be a feel-good movie, I set my filter on least.  The film begins with Rick as a snot-nose punk kid, he’s a rebel that kicks around bleachers, drinks beer at parties, drives drunk, and makes out with his girlfriend.  Ergo, you’ll see kids partying and drinking, a few shots of girls in bikinis jumping in the pool, and a few scenes where the kissing lasted just a few seconds too long. The parts that were hard on my eyes were when Rick and his girlfriend were drunk driving and they get into an accident and you see his girlfriend all tangled up in barbed wire. Ouch! Then you’ll see where some painkillers are smuggled in, and Rick takes some of them.  I hate seeing all of this but I suppose it does happen in the real world of teenagers.  In the end the message is strong and moving and therefore would be appropriate for most teenagers 13 and up.

Trisha~ Even more scared of my babies becoming teenagers!!!

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