Dear Diary,
When I was a teen I always dreamed about finding out I was a long lost princess. It would have explained so much about why I was so misunderstood and prove to the world what my worth really was. Ok not really and that's not so much what happens when Mia Thermopolis finds out she's the Princess of and only heir to the throne of Genovia. She has to figure out if she's got what it takes to rule a country and make a difference in the world.
I guess this one was cute enough. Seeing Anne Hathaway in one of her first roles reminds me of how sweet and innocent she seemed back then and kind of makes me cringe to see what she's done in roles since then. In this one though she's cute and fun and works well opposite the ever graceful and beautiful Julie Andrews. I mean really, could you cast a more perfect Queen than Julie Andrews? The woman is absolutely and flawlessly prim, poised and proper and I just love watching her. So while I'll never purchase this for our home DVD library, if you've got some preteen daughters who haven't seen this yet, check out the Motherly Advice below and give it a go once, it was cute.
Motherly Advice: I appreciated my sex filters on this one. I was shocked to find Disney featuring so many steamy kisses in a G rated movie! While language was at a minimum with one instance of blasphemy and few 'shut-ups', the kissing was a bit extreme in my opinion. Put your sex filters on High to avoid three separate kissing scenes I thought were inappropriate for my 8 year old. Even with filters though you'll still see a beach party scene with some swimsuits (mostly with wrap skirts around waists though) and at the end Mia wears a very strapless dress to the ball and while there is no cleavage we still see her completely bare shoulders (it's the dress she's wearing on the dvd cover above left). I think with your filters set properly this movie is appropriate for kids of all ages, although it's mostly for girls from 8 and up.
Danielle'- Movie Mom Royalty
P.S. I heard a nasty rumor that Hathaway is going to be playing Fantine in an upcoming production of Les Miserables. I don't understand? Will she really be able to pull off the sweet and tragic role of Fantine? Opinions on this one?