Sink Your Teeth Into This Magnificent Morsel!
You begged for the filter, so I begged on your behalf and here it is! The filter for Downton Abbey is here!
Downton Abbey is the ginormous estate of Lord and Lady Crawley who live there with their three daughters and houseful of servants. This is the story of the rich in the house and of the poor. We follow the lives and dramas of the ladies and the maids, the gentlemen and the footmen and how their lives mingle. All this is set in the early 1900's at the onset of World War 1 after Lord Crawley's heir has died and the new one is introduced to the reluctant family.
I love Masterpiece Theatre! My husband and I (yes I am blessed with a hubby who likes these kinds of shows as much as I do), recently finished watching the series Larkrise to Candleford and were completely bummed when Brendan Coyle bowed out of the series for a bigger and better job, thus making the series sort of sputter out. How delighted we were to find him here at Downton Abbey as the proud and lovable Mr. Bates! He did go on to bigger and better things and we're glad to have him back! This series has delicious doses of dark and scandalous plot interests with lots of dramatic personal investment on the side and heaping spoonfuls of humour to sprinkle over it all. I've loved some of the characters instantly, grown to love others and nursed a pure and vehement hatred for two particular characters you find you will love to hate. It's a decadent theatrical escape!
Motherly Advice: Herein lies the only draw backs to Downton Abbey. Just two or three scenes of sexual natures, some language here and there and a couple mildly gruesome medical scenes. There are two sexual scenes that in my opinion are the only things you need to be concerned about here. With your Sex filters set to Most you will be spared a very uncomfortable kissing scene between two men and another scene in which one of the ladies is seduced by a visiting bachelor. Although these scenes are filtered, the implications are certainly there which is kind of necessary in order for the plot to make sense. So, although you wont see anything, with implications as they are I'd let your kids perhaps 14 and up enjoy this tasty little slice of dramatic pie.
Danielle'-I Think I Must Be Hungry