Please my dear readers, tell me how you really feel about filter options! All the concern you've shown about what movies should get filters is great! It's actually something that's been on the Movie Mom's and ClearPlay's minds lately and guess what? We Movie Moms have some extra influence on getting certain filters made, "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants." My Big Fat Greek Wedding (has a filter).
So, give us some suggestions! Whether you're a Mom, Dad, kid or none of the above, what movies have you been wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' that ClearPlay would create a filter for? Leave your suggestion here and you'll be entered to win a FREE ClearPlay DVD player or if you've already got a player and would prefer a two years membership for free. One entry counts per person but you're welcome to put as many suggestions on each comment as you like. Then, when the developers create a filter for a suggested movie we'll post a review and notification for it right here on the blog.
You've got one week! This giveaway will end on October 25th, 2011 at midnight and the winner will be announced on October 26th.
Thanks for all of your support of ClearPlay, they do their very best over there to please everyone so lets help them out and tell them what we want...nicely!
Danielle'- You're Motherly Advocate for ClearPlay Filters
P.S. Please also remember that one filter can take developers several days to create and there is a schedule to how things go so it may take some time before you see your most favoritest movie with a filter.