Skipped Flicks-Wide Awake

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For Heaven's Sake

Typically, the movies I review are gems--of a sort--from the 1980's that have been set aside, perhaps even forgotten--hence the title "Skipped Flicks." Heaven knows, there are plenty of good shows that could be made great, not to mention more family-friendly, with a bit of tweaking. I admit, the film Wide Awake, is a bit more recent (1998) but certainly an incredible, yet passed over movie, worthy of a closer look.

The remarkable thing about this touching, comedy/drama about a young boy searching for his faith, is that from the beginning, you find yourself not only loving this little fellow, but searching right along with him.

After Joshua Beal's beloved grandfather dies, Josh is changed forever. He's sad, and tired and serious and now, he has some very deep questions about how it all works. His tender quest to find out for himself, if there really, truly is a God--now that it really, truly matters, will clutch your heart in all the right places. Trust me on this.

Joshua's relationship with his best friend, a pretty, little girl and an unlikely new friend could all be good springboards for parent/child conversations about growing up and how we treat people.

Motherly Advice: Your filter will smoothly take out a very mild amount of childish attempts at swearing--nothing too bad, so forge ahead.

Now I realize that a movie about a child's quest to believe is not usually a top choice for Friday night entertainment. But writer/director M. Night Shamalyan--don't be afraid--has done such an incredible job portraying this adorable boy's love and fear and grief with just enough tenderness and humor, that you may be surprised to find the whole family sticking around to see how it ends.
I'm pretty darn sure you'll love it.

Launi~ Movie Mom with the faith to believe.

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