To Bee or Not To Bee
When Barry the Bee gets out of the hive for the first time, everything is new, exciting, and even dangerous. When he finds out that people eat honey, that doesn’t sit right with him so he decides the only thing to do is to sue the humans! BEE ready to have lots of fun with this Family Movie Night Activity....
Movie Snacks:*The food of choice in this movie is honey! You can make that the theme of dinner, dessert AND treats! You could have Honey-BBQ Chicken, Chicken Nuggets with Honey Mustard dipping sauce or toast with honey on it. You could eat Honey Cake, Bit-O-Honey candy or even honey straws. There are a lot of different cereals that use honey too!
*When Barry is first in Vanessa’s apartment, he lands in the guacamole dip. Serve up some chips and dip while you watch what else happens to Barry.
*Ken gets pretty frustrated when Vanessa doesn’t have yogurt with him on “Yogurt Night”. Serve up some yogurt to help Ken keep his cool.
Must-Pause-Moments:*When Barry is faced with the choice of which job to choose he can’t decide. Pause the movie and ask each person in the room which job they would pick if they were a bee. If you didn’t hear one that you would like, just imagine up your own perfect bee job!
*When Barry is suing the humans over the honey, his friend tries to defend him by stinging the opposing attorney. If you have a dart board you could tape paper bees to the darts and see how accurate you can be at stinging the bull’s eye. You could also play “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” Bee style, by trying to stick a bee to the target of a flower or honey jar.
*When Vanessa and Barry have to figure out how to fly the plane on their own, stop the movie and make your own Bee Paper Airplanes. Color yellow and black stripes on each plane in your own pattern and see which Bee Plane flies around the room the best.
Other Activities:*Dress up like the bees by wearing as much yellow and black as you can!
*Bees go out looking for pollen. Decorate your table and rooms with flowers so any bee would feel more than welcome at your movie night.
*Decorate a “Parade of Roses” float by cutting up squares of crepe paper in lots of different colors. Draw or print off a picture of a car or float. Wrap a square around the eraser side of a pencil, dip it in glue then stick it to the paper. Do this over and over until your float is completely decorated with tissue flowers!
*LyndiLou* The Movie Mom in the Bee Keeper Suit