Someone Has The Munchies…
Wallace and Gromit are a sweet and silly pair of claymation characters that your family should know and love. If you haven’t seen the duo traveling to the moon for cheese or dealing with some haywire robotic trousers, then this Family Movie Night Activity will introduce you to cheese-loving Wallace and doggy-pal Gromit. Full of quirky British phrases and creative adventures, everyone will have fun watching Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit!
One of the very first things you’ll notice about Wallace and Gromit is that they are made out of clay. Pick up some clay, pull out the play-dough or be adventurous and make your own salt-dough so that you and your family can make your own movie cast out of clay. There are multiple places you could use this as a Must-Pause-Moment, depending on the age and interest of your children, you might stop/pause the movie with each new character and let them try to create that person. Another great Pausing-Place would be when you see the Were-Rabbit for the first time. Stop the show and have each person try to re-create the Huge Hare!
Something you’ll learn quickly about Wallace is that he LOVES cheese and crackers. This would be a perfect Movie Snack. Another thing you’ll see that is an important part of this movie is vegetables. Gromit is trying to help his owner balance out his diet, so you can too! Cut up some of your favorite vegetables and grab some dip for another tasty Movie Snack. You can also use these for a Must-Pause-Moment later. During one of the fateful times when the Were-Rabbit strikes use this Pausing-Place to have a veggie eating contest: two family members racing to see who can eat 3 celery or carrot sticks first. Remember to be careful and choose things that would be safe for your kids to eat! We here at ClearPlay don’t condone choking! ;)
This show has plenty of inspiration for other fun activities… you could have Crazy-Hair-Day while watching the show because some of the characters in the film have some wacky hair-dos! Perhaps you could even grab a couple of wigs and swap them between family members every time someone says “Rabbit” or “vegetable“. If kids get wiggly during the show, have everyone stand up and do Bunny Laps by hopping around the house for a little while. Be sure to wiggle your nose while you’re at it!
Enjoy this cute show with your family! I bet you’ll have a HOPPING good time with this HARE-RAISING movie!
*LyndiLou* Cheese Loving Movie Mom