A Re-Watch to Remember
Pride, Unity, Courage, Respect, Victory; these are the feelings that you'll inevitably feel when you are watching the classic film-Remember the Titans. Based on the true story, Remember the Titans takes place in 1971 when the school board in Alexandria, Virginia mandates an integration between a White and an African-American school, T.C. Williams High School. Coach Boone (Denzel Washington) is assigned the task of being the first African-American football coach for the T.C. Williams High School. As the team learns to see each other as people and not color, they become unbeatable as a team, and a community.
Goosebumps. I had goosebumps throughout the entire movie! I had forgotten how phenomenal Remember the Titans is! DenzelWashington of course, had me hanging on his every word--is he amazing or what?? But Denzel wasn't the only one that gave a stellar performance; the football players had me IN the movie with them! They captured the whole feeling of the rising tension and the emotional unrest of this small community. I literally felt like I was experiencing the sadness, frustration, pride and elation that every person must have felt during that time. "Trust the soul of a man rather than the look of a man," that is just one of the many quotes that will inspire you throughout the movie. The film ended and I was filled with gratitude for all of those who struggled during the early 1970's , that we could learn the priceless lesson of seeing a person for his/her character and not his/her color. If you haven't already, Remember the Titans is a movie that you'll definitely want to add to your home library.
Motherly Advice: Remember the Titans is squeaky clean as far as sexual content is concerned. ClearPlay filters out a handful of expletives and one homosexual kissing scene (which was actually more of a goading act then romantic). Also, some fighting occurs and of course, there is the rough football playing. Lastly, there are a LOT of intense racist attitudes and comments, so you may want to prepare your younger kiddos. With that said, I would recommend this movie for ages 10 and up.
Trisha-Remembering What a CLASSIC Movie Remember The Titans Is. What other classics do YOU love?