The Wolfman follows the classic story of Lawrence Talbot, who is investigating a series of wild animal attacks when he’s bitten by a werewolf. He then must suffer the destiny of all such victims who live, changing into a werewolf at each full moon. Body counts proceed to rise.
ClearPlay In Action!
There’s a brief shot of nudity and maybe half a dozen instances of language that ClearPlay cuts, but The Wolfman received its R rating for blood, and lots of it. Decapitations, oozing claw marks, entrails, severed limbs, they’re all artfully excised in the ClearPlayed version. Though the bloodless Wolfman still isn’t well suited for kids prone to nightmares, it’s toned down enough for audiences who are fans of the original.
Is it safe to view this movie while the wolfbane blooms?…
Being familiar with the original 1941 Lon Chaney Jr. movie on which this new Wolfman was based, I found the movie to be a bit ponderous and trite, a sort of werewolf-by-the-numbers. It has a similar feel to its predecessor, but with color, better production design, and peppier action scenes. Some set pieces, like the asylum, are particularly effective. Teens may like it more than the adults, especially if they’re new to the story and have no preconceived notions.
Marty Nabhan— ClearPlay Lycanthrope
Rated R for bloody horror violence and gore.; 103 min | 119 min (unrated director's cut); Directed By Joe Johnston