The Lady~ is a Tramp
Severely unimpressed with this one, and if anyone could give an artsy biopic a fair shot--it's us. No kidding. We watch this kind of stuff for fun and if we really like it, we watch it a zillion times. Oddly enough, Georgia O'Keefe barely made it out of the shute before we were looking at each other, saying, "Yikes..."
First of all, the film gave no encouragement whatsoever to even care about this woman--let alone, like her--and sadly, I didn't. This artsy gal is making implied sexual deals--with a married man--for rent in the first ten minutes of the show and taking off her shirt for photographs quickly there after. Pretty brash behavior for the mid-20's, I'd say. Now, we should note, perhaps in her defense, that several times she describes herself as "simply, completely, honest," which is a fine and good premise. That is, until she defends her lack of respect for moral values with it.
Secondly, we assumed that since this was a TV NR movie that the need for the ClearPlay would be minimal, which was good because there didn't turn out to be a filter for it yet anyway. When Georgia's husband does an exhibit of his wife's paintings along with the nude photos that he's taken--realized our mistake and...sorry......turned the movie off.
Motherly Advice: In all sincerity, I would like to have watched the movie in it's entirety because--as I said--we love this kind of thing. Besides, I want to believe that the show's redeeming qualities were just around the corner. However, until a ClearPlay filter is made, it just isn't worth the risk and the uncut version is too suggestive for this bunch.
Launi---Soon-To-Be-Retired Art And Lifestyle Critic