Creating Waves…Radio Waves that Is
My brother and his wife introduced ClearPlay to my husband and I while we were visiting them this last Christmas. I was amazed! A DVD player that could magically filter out things that I didn’t want to be seen in my home? Sold!! I loved the whole idea that parents could bring home movies and watch them with their kids. The ClearPlay website states, ‘Family Movie Night is Back’ and now I believe it! I wanted to spread the word to every friend, family member and parent that I knew.
Later that month, back in Minnesota, I had a quest to spread the word of Clearplay. I wanted every person to hear me when I climbed the tallest building in Minneapolis and screamed at the top of my lungs, “THE ANSWER IS CLEARPLAY-Ay-ay-ay!!” Ok, Ok so maybe this is a bit grandiose, I needed to scale it down a bit. Then one day as I was preparing dinner and listening to a local radio show I had an idea. You see, this particular radio show has a segment called, “Absolutely Fabulous” where listeners write in with things that they think are “Absolutely Fabulous”. If the two radio hosts deem it to be true, then they announce it on air. So later that night I logged on to their website and wrote into the show about ClearPlay and sure enough, two days later I got an email back letting me know that they were going to read my “Ab Fab” item that day. That they did, and they talked about it for some time—nice ClearPlay plug I’d say!
The word is now starting to spread. So as I continue my quest to get the word of ClearPlay spread throughout the universe and beyond (or maybe just throughout the Midwest) I throw this question out to all of you—What have YOU done to spread the word of ClearPlay??
Trisha Howard: Bound and determined to spread the Magic of ClearPlay
Trisha Howard: Bound and determined to spread the Magic of ClearPlay