Indestructible or Unprotected?!?
With a tag-line like “They have a plan that's going to catch EVERYBODY off-guard” it’s easy to be intrigued by this movie. I thought
this would be a great show to watch since it’s different from what I typically watch. I thought my husband and brother would enjoy my “guy movie” pick but it turned out to be a wasted effort… they didn’t know what movie I was talking about. If you, like them, have never heard of this movie it’s about some armored truck guards who decide they’re going to swipe an OBSCENE amount of money instead of delivering it to safety.

As the story gets going, the new guy is nervous about the whole heist plan… but gets talked into it with a Never-Believe-A-Movie-Promise line of “No one will get hurt.” Uh oh… that sealed the deal! Let the pain begin! (And don’t you worry, it does.) This slow-going movie that started out with a soundtrack straight off the credits of an old school Nintendo game, all of the sudden turns into an intense action movie where our Noob-Guard has to decide quickly just where he stands among his super greedy friends. Besides being intense, the show gets quite rough. The film held my attention, but nearly gave me a stomach ache for our hero-ic protagonist. The plot is slightly predictable and simple. Things move along quickly without trying too hard to get the audience to connect with the characters. Things still work out though, and you suffer along with the star while he tries to save the day. Things work out well enough in the end, with a couple loose ends being tied up almost too quickly and easily.
Motherly Advice: There is shooting, major swearing, stabbing, blood, death and (mini-spoiler) suicide throughout this show. Even some of the conversations allude to some violent situations. This show will definitely put your ClearPlay to work. I would recommend this to adults and possibly older teenagers, depending on how comfortable you are with them watching this rough movie. With some discussion, it could raise some interesting conversations up about greed and loyalty.
*LyndiLou* - On-Duty ClearPlay Guard